Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Planning orientation + cookies!

The two big stories for the day are the Orientation I'm planning for this nutrition program, and COOKIES! I'll start with the latter, because it is more fun.

A few days ago, I got one of the much anticipated notes from the post office that said I had a package. I thought it was a box I was expecting from my mom, so all day I was dreaming about granola bars (chocolate chip, so they WERE dreamworthy). Much to my surprise, though, when I got to the post office, the return address on the package was not my parents' house, but my Grandma's house, and the little sticker for customs on the package said 'Cookies.' Both of my grandmas make some of the best chocolate cookies in the world, so I was really excited. I've been sharing them with people here all day, and there were enough that I can still take a bunch home for breakfast the next few days! Grandma, if you're reading this via a print out from my mom, THANK YOU! :)

The other big story is that I've been working pretty hard this past week to put together a presentation for a training that we're having. We're inviting the administrators and head cooks from all 5 schools to a meeting in Esteli (the place I was last week) this Thursday. It's been quite the experience trying to pull an event like this together. Yesterday I had grand plans of getting a lot of the logistics worked out, only to realize we had no trucks available to drive people, the power was out, the internet was down and I had no charge on my phone. Can't do much planning when all of those things happen at once. I ended up having to wait until today - as in, two days before the actual event - to work out the final pieces. Fortunately, 24 hour notice for a major meeting is considered a lot of lead time here, so that worked out in my favor.

It is also dawning on me that I'm probably going to need to give most of the presentation...it's supposed to be about an hour long, and all in Spanish. Eeek! I have done an impromptu version of it in Spanish here while showing it to some co-workers, so I'm sure I'll survive, but it will certainly be interesting. As long as I stay away from bus food and avoid getting sick this time, I should be okay. Wish me luck!

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